Monday, February 7, 2011

Commercial Real Estate Trends

I really enjoy Agent Genius. They have interesting articles like this one that talks about trends to watch for in 2011, and they present their info in a way that isn't all doom and gloom.

It makes me feel like I'm getting into this biz at just the right time. I can't remember what the market was like when everyone was freaking out about how wonderfully easy everything was. I don't remember when you could just sit on your butt and wait for the money to come in. And I don't remember when you could do huge deals with hardly any work and maintain those contracts without actually having to do it yourself. I'm getting into it when the going is hard. . . and you know what? I'm better off for it.

Here's why:
I can position myself through hard work and perseverance to be the go-to person for any piece of real estate in this area. I will work hard to maintain those relationships. People will know me as the guy who works hard for a living and to make his partners money. Then, if the market ever looks like it did before I got into it, I will be be in the perfect situation because I will appreciate the high tide and won't ever be complacent or content to sit around and wait for things to happen.

It's good to start hungry.
It's good to stay hungry.

This industry is primed and ready for new leadership. I'm excited about that.

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