Half of learning a new business is learning that business's argot. If you have a great memory, it's a piece of cake to remember it all, but sometimes, if you're like me, a cheat-sheet comes in handy.
Luckily, About.com has an awesome little article on some of the calculations that realty people have to know to get by. Some of them are totally new to me, but I'm glad that this is here so that I can look it up any time someone throws a term at me I'm not completely sure about.
The photo above was swiped from a real estate site. I hate images like that, leaving nothing at all to the imagination and treating the customer like they're stupid. Derping around on the internet, looking at real estate sites, you'll find countless images like this one. It's probably big business making such drivel. I don't want to ever do something like that in this business. I want to treat the people I work with like humans who deserve all the respect and benefits ascribed to that species.
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